August 20, 2010

image size and quality settings

Posted in Uncategorized at 11:58 pm by camerasettings

The videos on image size and quality settings as well as resolution are up in the members page of  Next one will be Aperture, f-stops and all that.


June 23, 2010

great quality lens dirt cheap?

Posted in Uncategorized at 2:31 am by camerasettings

Is it possible to get a super high quality lens really cheap? How will it help my photos? blog post at

Posted via email from Andrew’s posterous

May 31, 2010

image sharpness setting

Posted in Uncategorized at 3:08 am by camerasettings

There is a new video on the image sharpness setting available now in the members area.

members can log in here: 

Posted via email from Andrew’s posterous

April 27, 2010

another video up

Posted in Uncategorized at 6:31 am by camerasettings

I have just uploaded a new video and a new members area.  The video is about histograms. I hope you find it helpful. a.

Posted via email from Andrew’s posterous

April 9, 2010

new videos

Posted in Uncategorized at 9:56 am by camerasettings

Two new videos at   “Quickstart” in the public area and “Making it Sharper by Keeping it Steady” in the members area.

Posted via email from Andrew’s posterous

March 20, 2010

exposure overview video is up

Posted in Uncategorized at 7:07 am by camerasettings

The exposure overview video is now available to members at the members area.  Andrew

Posted via email from Andrew’s posterous

February 23, 2010

Posted in camera settings at 7:00 am by camerasettings

January 19, 2010


Posted in Uncategorized at 10:12 am by camerasettings

New photo for the blog showing exposure compensation adjustment on a camera.

Posted via email from Andrew’s posterous

January 11, 2010

Camera Settings

Posted in camera settings tagged , at 3:16 am by camerasettings

If you are anything like me, you want to get the best possible results from you camera. Ultimately, you would really like to have more control over what is going on in your camera.  Well you have come to the right place.  By getting an understanding of your camera settings you will achieve both.

Yes, I know you just want to get out there and take photos,  and you can be within minutes with the Camera Settings Quick Start Guide.  Not only will you have more control over your camera, you will be able to get the results you wanted.  Too easy?  That’s the point! Now, the Camera Settings Quick Guide’s feature  “How to make it better”  will fast track that steep learning curve once associated with photography.  With our easy and fun Videos, you will soon be an expert in Shutter Speed, f-Stops, white balance and ISO. Top secret: it took us old film guys years to learn all this stuff, but it isn’t that hard anymore.

Your camera was designed to be easy to use, but all that technology has locked you out of the process and now that you want to improve, the technology is getting in your way.  Step by step you will take command, and let your creativity loose.   Let’s turn all those mysterious numbers into something you can use.  The camera’s manual has probably suggested you start out using the green (or blue) “auto” mode which usually works quite well, but let me tell you what else it does.  It has taken control away from you.  In this mode you are not allowed to “fix” anything, it won’t let you.  This is fine when it does work, but now you want to be able to get the most out of your camera. We can start with being able to fix exposure mistakes. (too dark or too light).  Soon you will be familiar with all of the camera settings, and most of your problems will start to fade like a bad inkjet print in the sun.

These videos are as concise and easy to understand, and each one will take you to the next level.  Every time you will feel more like you are driving the camera rather than it doing its own thing.  It’s about making it easier and LESS complicated.

Let’s GO! Get your camera with you.  Have the manual handy for reference.  Now, set the mode to P.  This will give you access to adjustments which are locked out on AUTO mode.  Now you can FIX problems as you see them appear on the screen.  At this stage it may be a good idea to check some of the other camera settings.  Check auto focus is on,  and multi pattern metering /ESP (Olympus) /Evaluative (Canon).  (the camera is most likely to be in these settings already unless you have shifted them yourself)  In P mode (program), camera sets shutter speed and aperture, you can also take control of ISO sensitivity if you wish, but lets leave that on auto for now.  If your camera does not allow you to set ISO to auto in P mode, set the ISO to 100 or 200 for bright scenes, 400 for  overcast or shade and 800 or above if shooting indoors)  Most significantly you now have access to Exposure Compensator (+/-).  Exposure Compensator is step one to your freedom.  By adjusting Exposure Compensator ([+/-] button and command dial usually) you can very quickly adjust the exposure to the darkness/lightness you wish to achieve.

Ok then, start the videos, and keep your camera handy.  Use pause and rewind, take as long as you need to.  It won’t be long before you have control over your results.   Understanding and control is necessary to really improve your photography.  We are going to give you exactly that now.

When the action is happening all around you, you don’t want to be thinking of camera settings.  With your increased understanding these will all be second nature, so you can concentrate on the photo, not the camera.

Once you gain mastery over your Camera Settings, you will feel confident, you will no longer be fiddling with the camera with a frustrated frown.  You will be amazed at how that confidence translates into better people photos.  Your subject feels relaxed if you are happy and relaxed, and that means better expressions.

For more, and the free videos, go to camerasettings blog page